These are a selection of quotes that express how staff and children value the work that the Friends of the School do for us.
I think it’s good that the ‘Friends of the School’ are kind and help us. They help to pay for buses so we can go on trips like when we went to Beamish.”
Paige (Reception)
The ‘Friends of the School’ are very kind and give us food to have our Halloween and Christmas party.”
Isobel (Reception)
I think the ‘Friends of the School’ are really kind because they help people and organise the book fair. I would be sad if we couldn’t have the book fair.”
Joe (Year 1)
I think the ‘Friends of the School’ are good, helpful and kind because they organise Nursery barbeques and the summer fair. Without them we couldn’t have those and everyone would be sad.”
Will (Year 2)
I think the ‘Friends of the School’ are good because they do lots of things like the Halloween disco, book fair and summer fair and without them we might not get all those nice things. I would be sad then.
Millie (Year 2)
The ‘Friends of the School’ are very generous and they organise the Halloween disco and summer fair and they helped get us the equipment in the yard. We couldn’t have all that stuff without them. We would be gloomy and sad.
They are super-duper! (Faye Y1)
They are brilliant! (Lily Y1)
They are very kind! (Ellie Y1)
The ‘Friends of the School’ are very helpful and a useful resource for school. Without their fundraising the children would be unable to have and experience some of the things they have benefited from over the years.
Miss Beresford (Reception Teacher)
The ‘Friends of the School’ are a valuable asset to the school. The funds they raise support the school in giving the children learning opportunities to enhance the curriculum. They also provide the children with additional resources.
Mrs Ewart (Reception Teacher)
The ‘Friends of the School’ help to organise a range of activities for the children and the money they raise through fundraising helps to pay for fun events that the children take part in and equipment that the children use every day. They play a vital part in making learning in school fun and enjoyable. Without them many of the memorable things the children enjoy simply would not happen.
Mrs Thomas (Year 2 Teacher)
Friends of the school do a fantastic job raising funds for all the children throughout school and work tirelessly to raise funds to enhance our children’s’ experiences and environment.
In nursery many of our visits would not be possible without contributions from ‘friends of the school’. This year our trip to Hall Hill farm trip may not have gone ahead without the contribution of £200 to pay for buses. Parents would have had to contribute considerably more towards the trip making it difficult for some.
Nursery staff and children would like to thank ‘friends of the school’ for all their hard work and dedication.
Mrs Hall, Nursery Manager
The Friends of the School play a vital part in school life. The work that they undertake, raising funds, allows the children’s learning to be enriched by allowing us to purchase interesting, engaging resources and pay for expert visitors to develop and extend the children’s learning.
Mrs Thompson (Year 1/2 Teacher)
The continued support and dedication of the ‘Friends of the School’ is crucial to ensure we can offer the children the additional extras that a limited school budget wouldn’t allow. They are a much valued part of our school community and we can’t thank them enough for their hard work!
Mrs Graham – Head Teacher