Our Friends of the school volunteers are asked to help out in school in a number of ways:
- We serve teas and coffees at nativity performances and class assemblies throughout the year.
- We provide food and refreshments for the annual Halloween disco as well as providing and wrapping selection boxes for each child at Christmas which Santa presents to them. We also supply and organise food for the Christmas party within school.
- We supply Easter eggs as prizes for the egg decorating competition and supply each child with a crème egg.
- We sell books at the annual book fair and organise and support the annual summer fair.
- We pay for buses to take the children on school trips
- We buy additional resources for classrooms e.g. a new comfy couch for the Nursery children to relax on and read books/
- We raised money for the trim trail in the school playground
Our volunteers are never asked for a large commitment and we are grateful for any time or assistance they are able to provide. We welcome all new members and appreciate the sharing of new ideas.