SENCO and SEN Staff
Our SENCO is Julia Graham and she holds the National Award for SENCO’s qualification.
More details of the SENCO’s role can be found in the SEN Policy which you can find in the School Policies section of our website.
Our team includes staff trained in Makaton, Resilience training, Restorative Approaches, Talking Mats, ELKLAN and Supporting Children on the Autistic Spectrum.
External Specialists and Other Bodies
The school enjoys good working relationships with a wide range of people who provide services to children with SEND and their families.
The external specialists may:
- Act in an advisory capacity
- Extend expertise of school staff
- Provide additional assessment
- Support a child directly
- Suggest statutory assessment is advisable
- Consult with all parties involved with the child
These include:
- Durham SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
- Educational Psychology Consultants
- Speech & Language Consultants
- Occupational Therapists
- Paediatriacian
- Early Years Team
- Emotional Wellbeing Team
- Behaviour Support Team
How We Secure Specialist Expertise
Our Additional Needs Budget is used to support children and young people with SEN.
At Consett Infant School Costed Provision Maps are created with detailed evidence of supporting resources required in school for those pupils with High Needs. This builds a portfolio of the progress each child makes and additional funding and financial support can be applied for from the Local Authority. Detailed assessments and target tracking ensure that all learners achieve and make progress at Consett Infant School.
This is used to support children and young people with SEND by:
The school funding formula is generated to include financial provision to specifically support pupils individual special needs. This funding is prioritised to tailor make learning to ensure small steps of progress are continually made by all SEND learners.
Our notional budget for SEND has been allocated to providing adults who can undertake specific 1:1 and small group support in areas such as intensive interventions, improving social and communication skills, phonics support and any additional academic or pastoral support. This support always takes place with the full involvement of both children and parents. Elements of this funding are also used for the provision of appropriate resources which children with additional learning needs may find beneficial.
At Consett Infant school, Costed Provision Maps are created for those pupils with High Needs, detailing evidence of supporting resources provided in school. This builds a portfolio of the progress each child makes and additional ’top-up’ funding and financial support can be applied for from the Local Authority.
Detailed assessments and target tracking ensure that all learners achieve and make progress within our school. If a child has complex special educational needs, we could also receive additional funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.
In addition, we use allocate funds from our school budget or through our Community of Learning to secure specialist advice.