All of our pupils, regardless of their learning needs are given a high level of pastoral and social support from the moment they enter school right through to when they leave.
Within classrooms class teachers develop very close relationships with each child to ensure that they are happy, secure and ready to learn on a daily basis. We are a small school and work collaboratively as a team to ensure that each child is being the best learner they can be regardless of difficulty..
Children with medical needs are catered for in the same way with, if necessary, designated people to deal with any physical or emotional difficulty that we can. All staff are trained in Paediatric first aid and one member of staff is trained in the administration of medication within school following the appropriate County guidelines.
Socially we do much to develop our children’s skills. We are a caring school and all staff have really close relationships which foster trust respect. Staff have received recent training on developing resilience with children and employing the restorative approach to resolve disagreements between peers. In addition to this children within our school support and care for each other to a very high degree and discuss their feelings as a regular part of our curriculum. They are also expected to demonstrate high levels of responsibility and pupil involvement which fosters greater self-esteem and confidence.
In addition, we employ a Family Support Advisor (Mrs Richardson) who works closely with parents and children to support any emotional of social difficulties they may be experiencing. Mrs Richardson is a trained councillor and can offer bespoke support to children e.g. play therapy, Lego Therapy and Therapeutic Story writing.