How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
Transition at both ends of a child’s school career has a key role to play in their development and early educational career. It is important to us that children are well prepared for the next steps in their educational journey. We, as a school, recognise that this particular point in a child’s school career can be especially important for children with additional needs.
To this end the following procedures are put in place:
Nursery/Pre-school into Foundation Stage
Before a child starts with us we try to gain as much insight as we can into the child’s educational needs, stage of development and family background. Class teachers and our Family Support Advisor will regularly visit with nursery/pre-school settings to meet the child and family in a familiar environment and if deemed appropriate will undertake home visits.
Parents are always encouraged to visit school on a number of occasions before their child starts with us to allow them to meet people, become familiar with the school environment and of course ask any relevant questions.
Formal “meet the teacher” sessions are held for parents and a series of at least 2 pre-school visits are organised for the children to come and experience school for themselves.
Throughout this time parents/carers are encouraged to share information regarding their child with us in both formal and informal ways.
Children with SEND may require additional support when moving from their nursery or pre-school setting and we work with staff in these settings to ensure that so that all relevant information is shared. This means that the transition process can be as seamless and supportive for both parent and child as possible.
In- School Transition
As we are such a small school transition of this type rarely causes any issues. Where a move is taking place however details are fully shared amongst our team of class teachers and Learning support assistants. This is done by the passing on of Cohort tracking data, class intervention impact files and resource matrices. As a close knit school pupil progress and wellbeing is discussed on a regular basis in staff meetings so that every staff member is aware of the individual learning needs of all children including those with SEND.
At the end of the academic year each pupil takes part in a “class swap” day where they meet their new teacher and experience life in a different class. Children with SEND are supported by LSA’s during this process and if appropriate LSA’s will accompany them.
Infant to Junior School Transition
The vast majority of our children move to Consett Junior School at the end of Y2. We have extensive links with Consett Junior School, with whom we work very closely throughout the school year. This school has its own in-built transition programme and we fully participate in this work in order to best prepare children for the next step in their learning journey. Children with additional learning needs are fully supported in this process and school staff will always accompany them on transition visits. Likewise Junior school colleagues are invited to attend Yr. 2 annual reviews in order to share information with parents/carers. This enables parents/carers to make the most informed placement for their child.
We aim to ensure that all children who leave us are equipped with the appropriate skills, knowledge and maturity in order to make the move onto the next phase in their educational development.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.